Rapid Prototyping-An Overview

Rapid Prototyping is a method of creating interactive prototypes for the purpose of testing. It is also known as rapid iterative prototyping. What are the different types of rapid prototyping? Rapid prototyping is a type of software development process in which an...

3 Types of Rapid Prototyping Services

Rapid prototyping is a technique for delivering user-centered content quickly and accurately. It does so by mimicking human interaction, with the content driven by a combination of modelling and testing. The key to rapid prototyping is in the process of learning...

Skills Required in Rapid Prototyping

When it comes to rapid prototyping, not everyone can be trusted with tasks. There are compulsory skills that one needs to have to ensure they do an amazing job. Even though 90 percent of the work is done by machines, human contribution is vital to make the best...

3 Future Trends of Rapid Prototyping

Rapid prototyping was initially meant for the production of identical plastic parts. Due to its accuracy, reliability, and saving of raw materials, it got the attention of major manufacturing companies. Metals and hard plastics were also involved in the quick...

4 Types of Prototyping That You Should Know

When it comes to prototyping, many people only know about rapid prototyping which is the commonly used method to produce objects and parts. The word rapid is normally from the way it is made which is quick and doesn’t require any processes. There are however several...