Feb 26, 2020 | Rapid Prototyping
If there is something that everyone can notice right away is how fast technology evolves these days. Products become obsolete in the span of six months to a year. The world barely has time to keep up with the new changes since consumers keep demanding for new upgrades...
Feb 24, 2020 | Rapid Prototyping
No product goes to sale these days before being tested to perfect functionality by the company that creates it. This is the reason why a complete prototype service is useful in the development stage. A fully functional prototype allows any company to test, review,...
Oct 7, 2019 | Rapid Prototyping
The most crucial part of the engineering design process is prototyping. In the past, however, prototyping is a bottleneck. Why is it so? Because traditionally, engineers and product designers have to create improvised proof-of-concept models using basic tools and...
Oct 3, 2019 | Rapid Prototyping
A rocket named Electron was launched back in May of 2017 from New Zealand. It probably went past most people’s radar, but that was one of the peak moments of humanity’s race into space. A whole new era of space exploration just opened in front of us. For...
Jun 11, 2019 | Rapid Prototyping
Twenty years ago if someone told you that you could print new parts for your car out of a machine, you would probably have laughed at his face. Creating a new component for your vehicle our of scratch still sounds like something that happens in science fiction...